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Comune di Milazzo 



Area Marina Protetta Capo Milazzo



Università di Messina

ISEO2023 Submission of abstracts

You are invited to submit original contributions for oral and poster presentations related to the topics above. The use of an abstract template (maximum 1 page A4 total for one submission) is mandatory. Correspondence regarding the abstracts will only be sent to the corresponding author. It is their responsibility to forward the information to all co-authors. Every effort will be made to accommodate the author’s preference for oral presentation or poster, but the organizers reserve the right to make the final decision. At least one of the authors must register to the congress, otherwise the abstract will not be considered by the Scientific Committee. One registered participant may submit two abstracts.

  • Abstract submission:
    Oral presentations – Closed
    Last minute poster presentations is now open – Information on acceptance within one week from the submission
  • Information on acceptance (for abstracts submitted within the original deadline):
    June 7, 2023


Topics of ISEO 2023

Essential oils:

  • Agricultural innovations (aromatic plants cultivation, breeding techniques);
  • Isolation (distillation and extraction technologies);
  • Analysis.

Essential oils and their components:

  • Biological activity, toxicological effects;
  • Application in fragrance industry, perfumery, cosmetics, pharmacy, aromatherapy, food production and agriculture (plant protection).

Essential oils’ components:

  • Separation and structure determination;
  • Structural modifications;
  • Biosynthesis and biotransformations.










Contact us at: iseo2023@iseoils.com