The first promoters of the ISEO Medal were Giovanni Dugo and Luigi Mondello, Chairmen of the 35th ISEO organized in Giardini Naxos, Italy, in 2004.
The idea of the ISEO medal came up again in 2017, when the Permanent ISEO Scientific Committee has decided to create an honorary medal to be attributed every year to a scientist that during his scientific carrier has contributed significantly and innovatively to promote the development of the scientific knowledge in the essential oil field. The scientific topics to be considered for the award must illustrate one or more aspects of the multitask discipline including botany and cultivation, chemistry, biological activity, and applications in food, cosmetic, pharmaceutical and other fields
The ISEO Medal was officially instituted in 2019, on the occasion of the 50th anniversary of ISEO, held in Wien, Austria. With the help of the members of the ISEO permanent Scientific Committee and an artist from Messina, as well as the Merck company, official sponsor of the medal, the ISEO Medal of Honour was created.
Previous ISEO Medal of Honour Recipients
2019: Prof. Ian Karlsen, University of Oslo, Norway (50th ISEO, Wien, Austria)
2021: Prof. Karl Heinz Kubeczka, University of Wurzburg, Germany (51st ISEO, Turkey, on-line)
2022: Prof. Carlo Bicchi, University of Turin, Italy (52nd ISEO, Wroclaw, Poland)
2023 ISEO Medal of Honour Recipients
Prof. Dr. Kemal Hüsnü Can Başer, University of Nicosia, N. Cyprus Medal Lecture: Some Thoughts on the Future of Essential Oils
Prof. Baser is actually Professor of Pharmacognosy and Head at the Department of Pharmacognosy, Faculty of Pharmacy, Near East University, Nicosia, N. Cyprus (since 2016). He was professor at the Anadolu University (Turkey) from 1981 to 2006, and Dean of the Faculty of Pharmacy (1993-2001). His research interests are focused on studies on botanical, ethnobotanical, chemical, technological, aspects and biological activities of medicinal and aromatic plants, and biotransformation of flavours and fragrances, with a specific focus on essential oils and alkaloids. Prof. Baser is author of over 885 research papers in peer-reviewed journals and over 1066 communications in 315 national and international symposia. He has published 1293 scientific contributions as papers, books, book chapters. According to SCI his 636 papers were cited 14.096 times. His H-index is 54. Prof. Baser has been awarded with many international recognitions, including the Distinguished Service Medal by IFEAT (International Federation of Essential Oils and Aroma Trades), 1995, Istanbul and the ISHS Medal, International Society for Horticultural Science, 20 August 2014, Brisbane, Australia For more and updated information:
Prof. Giovanni Dugo, University of Messina, Italy
Giovanni Dugo is emeritus professor of food chemistry at the University of Messina, Italy. Prof. Dugo’s scientific activity, focused mainly on the development of separation methods and on the analysis of complex matrices, is reported in about 300 national and international papers; approximately 300 congress presentations; several scientific books and encyclopedia chapters; three books (as editor and author of some chapters) on the chemistry and technology of citrus products (edited by Taylor and Francis), and one on food toxicology. Prof. Dugo has participated, chaired, and coordinated numerous committee and congress organization activities and research projects on food chemistry, advanced analytical techniques, and aromatic plants and citrus chemistry and technology. Prof. Dugo was the founder and coordinator of the Food Chemistry Group of the Italian Chemistry Society (SCI). Prof. Dugo received many awards, among them the medals awarded by the Food Science Italian Society and the Flavor Science Italian Society; in 2009 he was awarded with the Liberti Medal by the Italian Society of Chemistry (SCI) for his contribution to the diffusion of science. In 2017, the Interdivisional group of Separation Science of the Italian Society of Chemistry has entitled a medal to prof. Giovanni Dugo. The medal is awarded yearly to a scientist that has contributed to the development of the separation science in the field of food chemistry.
SPONSOR of the ISEO Medal of Honour

Best Poster presentation and Best Oral Presentation (Young scientists session) will be selected and awarded with prizes offered by Taylor & Francis.