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Comune di Milazzo 



Area Marina Protetta Capo Milazzo



Università di Messina

Plenary Speakers

 Prof. Baldovini  

Prof. Nicolas Baldovini, Université Côte d'Azur, CNRS
Plenary Lecture: Organic synthesis: a valuable tool to explore the chemistry and the properties of essential oils

Nicolas Baldovini studied organic chemistry in the University of Aix-Marseille. He obtained a Ph. D. in analytical and organic chemistry from the University of Corsica in 2000, working on the chemistry of natural volatile compounds in the group of Prof. J. Casanova. After two post-doctoral stays in the laboratory of Prof. Solladié at University Louis Pasteur in Strasbourg (2000-2001) then in the University of Tokyo with Prof. Koichi Narasaka (2002-2003), he was appointed assistant professor in 2003 at University of Nice-Sophia Antipolis. His current research interests are focused on fragrance chemistry, analytical and synthetic chemistry of odorant compounds, analysis of natural raw materials and structure-odor relationships.

Prof. Oliveri  

Prof. Paolo Oliveri, Università di Genova, Italy
Plenary Lecture: Chemometric strategies for the verification of authenticity claims and fraud detection in essential oils

Paolo Oliveri is an associate professor in the research group in Analytical Chemistry and Chemometrics at the University of Genova (Italy), Department of Pharmacy (DIFAR). His research is mainly focused on spectroscopic analytical methods, hyperspectral imaging and chemometrics, with a special focus on signal processing and one-class pattern recognition techniques (class-modelling) for authenticity verification. Awarded as the Best Young Researcher by the Division of Analytical Chemistry of the Italian Chemical Society – SCI (2010) and with the 2020 Chemometrics and Intelligent Laboratory Systems Award by Elsevier. He was the principal investigator of a three-year research project (Scientific Independence of young Researchers – SIR) founded by the Italian Ministry of Education, Universities and Research (SPECFOOD – Advanced Strategies in Near Infrared Spectroscopy and Multivariate Data Analysis for Food Safety and Authentication) and of other research projects, as well as research contracts with private companies, on spectral imaging and chemometric topics. He is currently the President of the Liguria Section of the Italian Chemical Society, a member of the Board of the Division of Analytical Chemistry of the Italian Chemical Society, and he coordinated the Divisional Group of Chemometrics. He is a member of the Permanent Committee of the International Association for Spectral Imaging (IASIM).

Dr. Peres  

Dr. Christophe Peres, CEO of Le Labo Durable, Co-founder of The Green Analytical Project
Plenary Lecture: Laboratories facing environmental challenges : Shifting the paradigm

AgroParisTech PhD-engineer, Christophe Pérès began his career at the Research Institute for Chromatography in the analytical instrumentation sector. Under the prestigious direction of Prof. Pat Sandra and Frank David, he deploys state-of-the-art solutions in a wide variety of fields: agri-food, environment, health, fragrance, automotive, military… In 2009, he specialized in the cosmetics sector and became Head of Fragrance Analytical Research at Chanel. During these years, he tried to introduce new analytical methodologies and improvements in data treatments to help analysts to get more efficient and robust strategies. He was involved in many national and international interprofessional groups.
In 2019, concerned about the delay of the analytical sector in eco-design and the consideration of societal challenges, he co-founded The Green Analytical Project, a think-tank dedicated to raising analytical chemical players awareness to environmental issues. In 2021, he staffed young multidisciplinary experts to create LE LABO DURABLE, a R&D and consulting company specialized in environmental impacts evaluations and supports laboratories in their ecological transformation.
Moving from the era of effectiveness to the era of efficiency, doing better with less are the unifying lines of all the projects carried out by Christophe and his teams.

Prof. Schieberle  

Prof. Peter Schieberle, Technical University of Munich, Germany
Plenary Lecture: Molecular characterization of key odorants in spices of the labiate family by application of the Sensomics approach: Supporting odorant receptor research on bioactive compounds and on food quality assessment

Univ. Prof. Dr. Dr. Peter Schieberle studied chemistry at the Technische Universität Aachen and food chemistry at the Universität Bonn and received his PhD from the Technische Universität München (TUM) in 1980. After his habilitation, he was appointed as lecturer at the Universität of Erlangen-Nürnberg in 1988, as associate professor (Privatdozent) at TUM (1989), and Full Professor for Food Chemistry at the Bergische Universität Wuppertal in 1993. Starting in 1995, he held the Chair for Food Chemistry at the TUM and was the Director of the German Research Center for Food Chemistry of the Leibniz Society (DFA). Peter Schieberle has supervised 108 PhD students and seven of them started a career as university professors. Peter is co-author of the well-known Food Chemistry textbook (together with Profs. Belitz and Grosch) and has received several national and international awards, for example the Young Scientist Award of the German Chemical Society (Kurt-Täufel-Award), the “Koenig-Medal” of the German Chemical Society for his outstanding research in the area of food chemistry or the Annual Award of the Agricultural and Food Chemistry Division of the American Chemical Society for his outstanding research in food and agriculture. Prof. Schieberle has been elected as a member of the L’Academie d’Agriculture de France in 2013 and is currently professor emeritus from the Technical University of Munich, Faculty of Chemistry.

Stashenko 200  

Prof. Elena Stashenko, Industrial University of Santander (UIS), Bucaramanga (Colombia)
Plenary Lecture: Study of aromatic plants cultivated in Colombia and development of Colombian essential oil and natural ingredient industry

Elena E. Stashenko is Laureate Full Professor at the School of Chemistry of Industrial University of Santander (UIS), in Bucaramanga (Colombia). She is the General Director of the Center for Chromatography and Mass Spectrometry (CROM-MASS) and of the Research Center for Biomolecules (CIBIMOL).
Elena Stashenko is Full Member of the Colombian Academy of Exact, Physical and Natural Sciences (ACCEFYN); Member of Colombia´s National Scientific Council; Member of the Latin American Chromatography Committee (COLACRO); Member of the Colombian Association for the Advancement of Science (ACAC); Member of the Editorial Board of Journal of Separation Science, Journal of Essential Oil Research, Journal of Essential Oil Bearing Plants, and of Scientia Chromatographica.
Elena Stashenko was the founder of the National School of Chromatography (1998) in Colombia, where she has been the main speaker in over 130 courses offered to professionals and practitioners of chromatography and mass spectrometry from industry, research centers, Academia, and Government Laboratories.
During the last 18 years, Elena Stashenko has been the Director of CENIVAM, the Research Center of Excellence for the Agro-Industrialization of Tropical Aromatic and Medicinal Vegetal Species (CENIVAM), a collaborative project of 15 research groups from ten universities. She is currently the Scientific Director of Bio-Reto XXI 15:50, a 4-year Research Program (15 projects, 2019-2023) on Essential Oils and Bio-Economy. Her work has received awards in Colombia and abroad.








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